Hearing Tests
We offer comprehensive hearing tests in Beaumont, TX, for adults of all ages. The first step in identifying hearing loss is a hearing test. The purpose is to assess how well you can hear various sounds at different frequencies as well as how well you can hear words in noise and in quiet. Our hearing specialist will walk you through the entire hearing exam and go over your results, which will determine the exact degree and type of hearing loss present.
Earigator Cerumen Management
If you have stubborn earwax that is affecting your hearing, we can safely and efficiently remove it with our Earigator, the world’s most advanced self-contained ear irrigation system. The Earigator nozzle flushes body temperature water into the ear canal, dislodging impacted earwax. This method is pain free, quick, and highly effective. If you have built-up earwax that is causing clogged ears or hearing difficulties, contact us about our Earigator cerumen management system today.
Check out our video on our earwax removal to learn more!

Hearing Aid Evaluation
Just as every person is different, so is every hearing loss. We will go over the results of your audiogram with you and ask you some questions about your lifestyle and hearing goals. Using this information, we will recommend a hearing aid that best fits your unique hearing needs.
Hearing Aid Fittings

Hearing Aid Repairs
If your hearing aid is not working correctly, bring it into our office and we can fix it. We can troubleshoot most issues in the office but if your hearing aid requires more serious repairs, we can send it to the manufacturer for you.
We also provide professional hearing aid cleanings for your devices. In addition to cleaning your hearing aids on a daily basis, it is recommended that you bring your devices in every six months for a deep cleaning.
Custom Fit Hearing Protection
All About Ears, LLC, carries the largest selection of custom fit earplugs, earmolds, swim plugs, and in-ear monitors for the ultimate hearing protection. Loud noise exposure is one of the leading causes of hearing loss in individuals of all ages. It’s important to protect your hearing to prevent any losses from happening, now or in the future.
Hearing protection is a must for musicians, hunters, shooters, motorsport enthusiasts, factory workers, construction workers, swimmers, and anyone who is exposed to loud sounds on a regular basis. We offer the best selection of hunting earbuds for protection while shooting and in-ear monitors for musicians, including the SoundGear Phantom by Starkey.
Protect your ears by making an appointment to be fit with custom hearing protection today!

Tinnitus Hearing Aids
Have you ever heard a ringing or whistling sound in your ears? That could be tinnitus. Tinnitus is a hearing disorder where you hear phantom sounds, such as ringing in the ears, when no external noises are present. The symptoms can vary from person to person and can range from quiet to loud.
While there is no cure, there are management options that can alleviate your perception of tinnitus. A management option we carry at All About Ears, LLC, are hearing aids. Some types of hearing aids have a tinnitus masking feature that can play soothing sounds in your ears to distract your brain from tinnitus. While hearing aids won’t stop ringing in the ears completely, they can greatly help.